

Celebrating the Success of Our Graduate Students at the 2024 Global NMR Online Conference!

We are thrilled to celebrate the achievements of three graduate students from our lab who were recognized among the top presenters at the 2024 Global NMR Online Conference. Each student shared their research in a compelling 2-minute video format, combining clear communication with creative visual elements.

  • 1st Place: Celeste Tobar, "Efficient Nuclear Polarization Using P1 Diamonds Under Magic Angle Spinning at 14.1T from 30K to RT"
  • 2nd Place: Raj Chaklashiya, "Using Electron Spin Clusters for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization"
  • 3rd Place: Shiny Maity, "Protein Hydraulics of AsLOV2"
The conference featured a range of presentations from researchers worldwide, and Celeste, Raj, and Shiny were recognized among other winners for their outstanding work. Presenters were encouraged to showcase their research through creative formats such as videos, animations, and narrated posters, making the event both scientifically engaging and visually dynamic. We are incredibly proud of their accomplishments and the recognition they've received for their contributions to NMR research. Congratulations to Celeste, Raj, and Shiny!

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